Tuesday, January 13, 2015

The Good Shepherd

“I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep.” (John 10:11)

For a few days we have been looking at truths from the twenty-third psalm.  Allow me to make an additional comment or two.  We are not told that the sheep should be bold, courageous, strong, tough, fast, smart or even resilient. That’s because sheep are one of the dumbest species of all animals. If they go astray they cannot find their way back.  The shepherd must go after the lost sheep.  Hence, the story of the lost sheep in the gospels telling us that the shepherd leaves the ninety and nine and goes after the one straying sheep. I have been told that if a sheep happens to get on his back it will lie there with all four feet pointed to the sky and will lie there and die if the shepherd doesn’t come to his rescue.

It’s amazing that God chose such a stupid, helpless animal to depict His children. It’s pretty humbling, don’t you think?.  But, that’s who we are and the Good Shepherd, who gives His life for His sheep, is who Jesus is.

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