Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Is the Lord Your Shepherd?

“The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.” (Psalm 23:1)

Perhaps this psalm is the best known of all the chapters and verses in the Bible. Henry Ward Beecher called the Twenty-Third Psalm the nightingale of the psalms. Then he reminds us that the nightingale sings its sweetest when night is darkest. Who among today’s readers hasn’t used this psalm for a pillow on which to lay your weary head and to dry your tear-filled eyes. It has been so with your writer.

Perhaps David, the king, on a sleepless night could hear the bells on the sheep out on the hill sides. He thought of the days and nights when he was one of the shepherd boys tending the sheep. Those times were much easier than now with all the responsibilities of the kingdom of Israel. “Ah, but now, I’m one of the sheep. The Lord is my shepherd,” he mused. “I shall not lack anything. As I was a watchful shepherd, caring for the sheep, so the Lord cares for me.”

Beloved, if you are saved, the Lord is your Shepherd, and you can say with David, “The Lord is MY Shepherd.” It is not, “was my shepherd,” nor is it, “ will become my shepherd,” but, “IS my shepherd.” He cares for you. Jesus, the Good Shepherd has given His life for His sheep. (John 10:11)

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