Saturday, January 3, 2015

Don’t Join the Old Adam Improvement Society

“I do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness come by the law, then Christ is dead in vain.” (Galatians 2:21)

Much of what takes place in religious circles, whether it be in a church setting or some other, can be described as, “activities of the ‘old Adam’ improvement society.”  If we can just improve the old Adamic nature, the thinking goes, if we can just educate man into being less greedy, more giving, a little more churchy and a little less worldly, somehow he will make it by and by.  Just improve “old Adam.” 

If righteousness can happen by the keeping of some rules and regulations, the Bible says that Christ died in vain. The phrase, “In Vain” means,“for no reason” or, “without a cause.”  But Christ did not die in vain.  It was because “old Adam” cannot improve himself that Christ came, died on the cross of Calvary and arose from the dead. A life is changed and improved when one receives Christ as his/her Savior and He comes to live in the believer.

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