Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Patiently Waiting

“For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise.”  (Hebrews 10:36)

All of us have heard the prayer of the impatient: “Lord give me patience and give it to me now.”  The Bible reminds us to be patient unto the second coming of Jesus.  Then we are told of the farmer who waits patiently for his crops to mature as a result of the early and late rains. (James 5:7) One must wait for strawberries to ripen in the field and then they may be picked.  Corn, wheat and other grains must ripen before they are harvested. They cannot be rushed.  It takes time and patience.

More often than not our prayers are not answered on the same day we offer them, any more than grain is harvested the same day it is sown. Many times we have witnessed to a lost person, have prayed for that person and kept witnessing, praying and waiting.  And one day we had the privilege of baptizing that person.  We could not give up.  We had to wait patiently after having done the will of God.

Perhaps you are praying for and working with a rebellious son or daughter. Maybe it is a husband or wife who has gone astray. Keep on working, praying and doing the will of God and don’t give up. Wait on the Lord to do His work with you and through you.   

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