Thursday, January 29, 2015

In Christ

“Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold all things are become new.” (2 Corinthians 5:17)

It was at the close of a revival service one night that I approached a young man about sixteen years of age.  I had seen him in the services each of the previous nights and I assumed that he was a member of that church.  “How long have you been a member of this church,” I asked. “Oh, I’m not a member,” he said. “Have you been saved?” I asked. Very seriously he said, “No sir.” That night after everyone else had gone home the pastor and I had the privilege of leading this young man to personal faith in Jesus.  When he stepped out on the front porch of the church building he looked out into the night and said, “The whole world looks brand new.”

When one becomes a child of God everything changes. He has a new nature.   He has a new Master. No longer is Satan in control of his life.  Jesus is now in charge. The fear of eternity has been traded for a new anticipation of heaven.

Paul was a man I knew in the days of my first pastorate.  On Friday when he got paid on the construction job he had in Louisville he would stop on the way home and get liquor.  He was very abusive to his family when he had been drinking and they feared to see him coming home if he was late, because that meant that he was probably drunk or nearly drunk.  They would hide or leave home until they knew he was sober.  Then, something happened.  He got saved. When Lola, his wife died, she had told Paul to tell me that it was like having a brand new husband after he got saved.

Are there changes that need to be made in your life, in your home?  Turn your life over to Jesus.  

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