Thursday, January 1, 2015

The Crowning of the Year

“Thou crownest the year with thy goodness…” (Psalm 65:11)

Only God knows what the year 2015 may bring. When we watch the evening news there seems to be only bad things happening.  Looking back on 2014 we see what Jesus said to be true: “In the world you shall have tribulation.” But the rest of that verse is equally true: “But be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.”

The crowning glory of 2014 was God’s goodness. I saw a grandson come to know the Lord and had the special privilege of baptizing him as my family and others watched. That’s God’s goodness. 

I was privileged to preach the Gospel in several churches.  That was another case of God’s goodness. He kept His promise to never leave my wife and me in 2014, a promise He will keep in 2015. Space does not permit me to enumerate all the items of God’s goodness to me and people I know in the past year.

Will bad things happen in 2015? Absolutely. But God will crown the year with His goodness. As the song says, “Count your blessings, name them one by one…”

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