Monday, January 12, 2015

Goodness, Mercy and a Dwelling

“Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.” (Psalm23:6)

An elderly gentleman whom I knew was coming to the end of his life.  I knew him as a follower of Christ, a Christian.  Goodness and mercy had accompanied him all the day s of his life.  When the end came his atheist son called on me to conduct the old man’s funeral.

The son said, “He never did have anything.  He ain’t got nothing to look forward to now. Say whatever you want to say, preacher, and let’s get it over with.”

The old man and I had had conversations about heaven.  My sermon title for his funeral was, “Nothing to look forward to?” based on Revelation 21. I told everyone there about the many things that old man had looked forward to.  I still think about that old man after more than forty years, dwelling in the House of the Lord Forever.

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