Friday, September 1, 2017


“But ye have unction from the Holy One, and ye know all things.” (I John 2:20)

In John’s day there were those who thought they had a private corner on the truth, that if they had not discovered some truth it wasn’t worth knowing. 

They are still with us today, introducing some latter day truth, having special revelations from God and having been told of God to share that new truth which is not in the Bible.

John could remember that night when the disciples were gathered around the table with their Master. He told them of the coming of the Holy Spirit who would live in them, who would guide them into all truth and reveal things to come. The blessed Holy Spirit anointed John’s readers and they needed no new revelation. Nor do we need some extra Biblical revelation. 

It isn’t that new Christians suddenly have a doctorate in theology. But, all Christians have a Teacher, the Holy Spirit, living within them and guiding their understanding in the Word of God. 

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