Sunday, September 17, 2017

Matching Life with Faith

“Whosoever abideth in Him sinneth not: whosoever sinneth hath not seen Him, neither known Him.” (I John 3:6)

John, led by the Holy Spirit, continues his theme of letting one’s life-style match his profession of faith. The words, “abideth,” and “sinneth,” are continuous action. The person who practices and continues abiding in Jesus does not continue in the habit of sin. John is not speaking of an occasional slip-up, but an unrepentant practice of sin.

In a church where I was pastor I was concerned about a young man’s lifestyle, of his continuing to show no evidence of salvation. I dropped by his house one evening to talk with him. In the conversation I said, “Tell me about your experience of salvation.” He immediately took offence and said, “You think I haven’t had one. Well, I’m as good as those people at church.”

Being as good or bad is not the question. Have you invited Jesus into your heart and trusted Him for salvation? Are you abiding in Him? Does your life match what you say?

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