Saturday, September 9, 2017

Be Ready

“And now, little children, abide in Him; that, when He shall appear, we may have confidence, and not be ashamed before Him at His coming.” (I John 2:28)

John’s companion, Simon Peter, had been told by our Lord to “feed my Sheep.” It is the message every preacher or pastor is admonished to do. We are not to “beat” the sheep. Nor, are we to “fleece” the sheep, nor "drive" the sheep. The shepherd is to feed, tend and lead the sheep.

John has not scolded the sheep in the first two chapters of this epistle. He has fed them, warned them of seducers who would lead them astray. He has been a loving shepherd, like his Lord before him. He tenderly addresses them as little children, “My little dear ones.”

Many people are not ready for the Lord’s return. There are those who have not received the gift of God and are lost, unprepared for eternity. There are saved people who are always shirking their responsibility, living for self and unconcerned about the Lord’s return. They will be ashamed when Jesus appears. John's readers, including you and me, must take the admonitions in this epistle seriously and not be ashamed when Jesus appears.

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