Thursday, February 2, 2017

Taste and See for Yourself

“Oh taste and see that the LORD is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in Him.”
 (Psalm 34:8)

There is a warehouse type store in our town that has employees assigned to give small samples of food to customers in the store. The aim is to get customers to taste a small bite, get their taste buds excited and buy a box or bag of several helpings of that product.  They cannot tell someone what that food tastes like but they can let folks sample it.

The psalmist was just as helpless to describe the goodness of God to someone, so he said, “taste God for yourself.”  You cannot describe the taste of an orange or a “red delicious” apple to someone. One must experience the food to know its taste.

We must “taste” the Lord by faith. One taste and we learn to trust Him. The psalmist said that the one who trusts the LORD will be blessed. Don’t go by what I say. Trust Him for yourself.

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