Saturday, February 11, 2017

Share the Message of Jesus

“…for he beckoned unto them, and remained speechless.” (Luke 1:22)

The context of this verse is in Luke’s account of the angel’s visit to Zacharias concerning the birth of a son to be born to him and his elderly wife, Elizabeth.

I had a distant cousin, who could neither hear nor speak, whom I remember from about seventy years ago. When my great aunt, Cassie, died she was brought back to her house and was lying in state in the front room until the funeral, which was a custom in those days.

While the women were in the house visiting and preparing food, the men were out in the front yard. My cousin stood among the men and as he began to make sounds from his throat, he pointed toward the house where Aunt Cassie was, then up toward the sky. Then he held out his hands and formed the shape of a cross. Then He pointed with one hand into the palm of the other as though he was driving nails in his hands. He then pointed toward his heart with both hands and back again toward the house and again pointed to the sky. He repeated this several times.

The men all watched and listened to this deaf, unspeaking man preach a sermon that even a seven year old child could understand clearly. Aunt Cassie had gone to heaven to be with Jesus who died on the cross for her.

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