Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Dwelling Together in Unity

“Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!”
(Psalm 133:1)

There is nothing on earth better among Christians than unity, accord and peace. And there is nothing worse on earth than brethren, Christians, who cannot get along with one another. In fact, it is a contradiction in terms to speak of “bickering” “Christians.”

The word, “Christian” means, “Christ like.” To bicker, quarrel, fuss and act hateful to others in the fellowship is not at all Christ-like.

To be in unity and in one accord is like clocks on display, striking the same hour at the exact time. That’s much more pleasing than for one clock to start chiming, and ten seconds later another one chimes, and a little later another one and finally one refuses to chime at all.

Christians, members of a local church, can make for harmony and peace or they can create confusion, discord and chaos. You and I can determine whether or not there will be unity and accord or disunity and confusion. It is a sad fact that bickering, disunity, fussing, gossip and the like among believers will drive more people away from your church than good, sound, evangelistic visitation can bring in.

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