Saturday, February 4, 2017

Request for Cleansing

“…cleanse thou me from secret faults.” (Psalm 19:12)

At a funeral for a well respected, elderly Christian man I heard his pastor say, “I’m sure he had some sins because we are all sinners, but I never saw them or knew anything about them.” These secret sins are the sins that David is asking God to cleanse him from in our text.

These sins are the sins we commit in the unguarded moment, the ones no one else knows about, the ones that when we realize we have committed drive us to our knees in contrition and confession.

It is not the huge, glaring sin everyone knows about in our lives of which David was speaking, but the one tucked away deep down inside that can fester and smolder robbing us of joy, peace and victory and that can erupt as a volcano.

In requesting to be cleansed from secret faults (sins) we must allow the Holy Spirit to use the Word of God to remind us of our wrongs and to bring conviction. As we confess our sins we are cleansed by the Word of God and by the blood of Jesus.

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