Sunday, February 5, 2017

Sins of Presumption

 “Keep back thy servant also from presumptuous sins…” (Psalm 19:13)

The Bible teaches from Genesis to Revelation that the servant of the Lord is to be honest, truthful, morally upright, sober, just and generous. Since all Christians are classed as servants, this verse is not just for preachers, it is for all the servants of God.

It is easy to fall into one of the devil’s traps which says, “You are saved by the grace of God so it doesn’t matter if you ‘shade’ your behavior just a little. God will forgive you. And besides, no one knows about it but you and no one will be hurt by it.” To follow such reasoning is presumption.

David’s prayer should be our prayer; “keep me from presumptuous sins.” Our desire should be to please God with our lives at all times.

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