Thursday, September 15, 2016

The Preacher Who Preaches the Truth is not Your Enemy

“Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?” (Galatians 4:16)

Paul never ceased to preach the truth. Even In the face of opposition and possible persecution he stayed true to Biblical truth. The Galatians loved the message on the grace of God from Paul but when he opposed their adoption of legalism which said one is saved by grace but kept saved by maintaining the keeping of the Jewish laws they turned on him.

At first, they would have sacrificed their eyes and given them to him, but not now. Their change in attitude prompted our text.

A pastor may preach nice sounding things such as heaven, the presence of Jesus in our trials, how Jesus loves us and the like. But when the church needs to be rebuked for immorality, false doctrine or ceasing to be faithful in the work of the church the pastor must address it. The attitude of the guilty often changes when he starts “stepping on toes.”  

One man said, “The way to preach and not make anyone mad is to preach on sin but don’t mention the sins of the people in the pews in front of you.” 

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