Thursday, September 1, 2016

Does Jesus Care?

“Master, carest thou not that we perish?” (Mark 4:38)

When the storms of life are raging and you are in the middle of your own storm is when it sometimes seems that Jesus doesn’t care.

The disciples had been perfectly safe and content on shore, but when evening came Jesus said, “Let’s pass over to the other side.” So they obediently got in the little boat and headed for the distant shore on the other side. Had they not obeyed maybe they would not have been in a storm with their ship about to sink. To them it seemed that Jesus did not care. “Master, carest thou not that we perish?”

Have you been in that storm? You did what He told you in His Word, but the storm came. Does He care?

Yes, He cares. He is in the boat with you. He has control over the storms. He may allow the storm to rage long enough for you to learn to trust Him in the storm. But, when He tells the storm, “Peace, be still,” the storm will cease. Trust Him who cares for you to protect you in the storm and to cause the storm to cease.

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