Wednesday, September 21, 2016

An Excellent Testimony

“I fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.” (II Timothy 4:7)

I have occasionally attended funerals of older men, a faithful deacon, a pastor or a godly layman where this verse was used as the text and summation of the gentleman’s life. Obviously it must be used sparingly because not all men have that kind of testimony.

When we men read this verse we should do some self analysis to see how we are measuring up in our Christian walk.

We have a fight to fight against the devil, against the flesh and against temptations.

We have a course to finish. We Christians are involved in a race that began when we got saved and will not end until we cross the finish line at death or the second coming of Jesus.

We have a faith to keep of the things that we believe that produce right behavior in our lives.

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