Thursday, September 22, 2016

In Love With This Present World

“…Demas hath forsaken me, having loved this present world…” (II Timothy 4:10)

At this writing Paul is in prison, nearing the end of his earthly life. He knows his time is short as he makes some requests to his friend, Timothy. “Come shortly,” he pleads.

He has been forsaken by Demas, the reason being that Demas loved this present world and was in no hurry to die, especially at the swift hands of an executioner.

Unfortunately many people, “bail out” of church and the Lord’s work when the going gets tough. They are in love with the world. It is not execution that threatens them; it is rather the unwillingness to take an unpopular stand.

Paul goes on to say, “Only Luke is with me.” Thank God for those dear folks who stay true to the word and work of the Lord Jesus.  Then he states that no man stood with him at first, but reminds us, “The Lord stood with me.”

If everyone bails out, as Demas did, the Lord will remain faithful in your time of need.

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