Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Have You Been to Calvary?

“For neither did His brethren believe in Him.” (John 7:5)

These brothers, James, Joses, Simon and Judas were the half brothers of Jesus. Mary was the mother of all five of these men and Joseph was the father of all except Jesus. God was the Father of Jesus. Joseph, Mary and all these men plus their sisters lived under the same roof while the children were growing up. Even though there was familiarity, Jesus’ brothers did not believe in Him. They thought He was a hoax. They encouraged Him to go up to Jerusalem for the Feast of Tabernacles and “…show yourself to the world.”

One may know all the facts about Jesus and not be saved. It was not until the arrest, the mock trials, the scourging under the command of Pilate, the crucifixion, Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection that they came to believe. The events of Golgotha and the empty tomb made the difference. Fifty days after Calvary, they were in the Upper Room on the Day of Pentecost and were filled with the Holy Spirit. Their lives were changed.

The Gospel song asks, “Have you been to Calvary?” One must see him/herself as a sinner and come to Calvary where our Savior died, was buried and rose again to find saving faith.

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