Saturday, September 17, 2016

The Living God

“It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.” (Hebrews 10:31)

If God were dead there would be no need to fear Him. If He were dead it would be useless to trust Him. But, He is not dead. He is the “Living God.”

In previous verses we are told of those who despised the Law of Moses and died without mercy under two or three witnesses. He then reminds us of those who have trodden under their feet the Son of God, besmirched the precious blood of Jesus and have insulted the Spirit of grace. He asks, “How much stronger will the punishment be for these latter than for those former who broke the Law of Moses?”

The Bible says, “God is love.” His love placed Jesus on the cross to bear our sins. There is no greater love than God’s love. However, God has what has been called, “His stormy north side.” It is His “judgment” side.  That stormy, “north side” was seen when all the sins of mankind were placed on Jesus, showing us God’s wrath against sin, as the sin Bearer was nailed to the cross. The cross shows us God’s hatred of sin while at the same time showing us His love for mankind.

If people refuse to receive God’s love for them at Calvary and His payment for sin, the wrathful judgment of the Living God against sin will be poured upon them.

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