Friday, September 30, 2016

Hearing But not Heeding

“And they shall turn away their ears from the truth…” (II Timothy 4:4)

I heard of an elderly preacher who smoked a pipe. Through the years different ones had tried and failed to get him to quit his unhealthy habit. Finally a young preacher came to the old gentleman and said, “Brother Brown, many of your friends and family have tried to get you to stop smoking that old pipe. If your doctor said you had to quit or you would die what would you do?” The old preacher rocked back in his rocker, took another puff and said, “I would change doctors.”

When confronted about their unbelief and immoral lifestyles and the consequences of living outside the will of God, many folks express the same attitude that old man did about his pipe. They will change preachers, change churches and even change religions rather than change the way they live.

Sadly, large numbers of people will turn their ears away from the truth of God’s word and will turn to fables in order to have their ears tickled by something that will not help, but will do eternal harm. Truth is not changed by the constant denial of it.

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