Friday, September 16, 2016

Our Changeless Savior

“Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and for ever.” (Hebrews 13:8)

The word, “immutable” comes to mind. It means, “Not given to change.” When something is immutable it does not change. Jesus is immutable. He does not change.

Yesterday Jesus Christ was the Son of God. Today He is still the Son of God.  Tomorrow He will still be the Son of God. Yesterday He was sinless and perfect. Today He is sinless and perfect. Tomorrow He will still be sinless and perfect. Yesterday, today and tomorrow Jesus was and is and forever shall be our sin bearer. Jesus arose from the dead following His crucifixion, He continues to live today and will be alive forevermore.

Jesus loved us yesterday, loves us today and will love us tomorrow.

You can depend on Jesus because He is always trustworthy and will not change. Of none of us can it be said that we are changeless. We are fickle, forever changing our minds, and jumping from one idea to another. But Jesus is always the same. You can trust Him now and forever.

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