Friday, September 23, 2016

And Others

“…and others were tortured, not accepting deliverance; that they might obtain a better resurrection: and others had trial of cruel mockings and scourgings…”
(Hebrews 11:35-36)

Hebrews chapter eleven is known as the “Heroes of Faith,” and the “Roll Call of the Faithful.” Seventeen names of some great people of outstanding faith are mentioned in that chapter. Their stories can be found in the Old Testament accounts.

In that same chapter our text mentions some unnamed heroes who suffered for their faith. Who were these nameless people of faith?  These people were tortured, tried by cruel mockings, were scourged, were bound, imprisoned, stoned, sawed in half, tempted, and were slain with the sword. They wandered in sheepskins and goatskins. They were destitute, afflicted and tormented. They wandered in deserts, in mountains and in dens and caves.

The Bible says that they obtained a good report through faith. The word also says, “…of whom the world was not worthy.” They were the “others.”

I have been privileged to be the pastor of some outstanding, unnamed “others.” Their names do not appear in the Sunday bulletin, on church officer rolls, in lights or on church signs. They have simply and courageously taken up their cross and followed Jesus. Most churches would have serious problems without these, “others.”

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