Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Have a Strong Appetite for the Bible

“…I have esteemed the words of His mouth more than my necessary food.” (Job 23:12)
Well people love to eat. They love to eat good food that is well prepared. Healthy people love food that is tasty and nourishing.
When my younger brother was very sick with cancer he was repulsed by the sight and smell of even his favorite foods. I have known many people who, when diseased or sick, could not eat.
Job was spiritually well and had a strong appetite for the Word of God. That’s the way it is with people toward the Bible. When sin-sick they are repulsed by Biblical truth. They don’t want to hear it. It is sickening to them and they treat God’s Word as though it were poison. The spiritually alive and well are like Job. They want to hear and read what God has to say in His Word.
How is your spiritual appetite? Does the Bible cause you to want more or do you turn a deaf ear and a blind eye to it?

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