Saturday, September 10, 2016

Identify with the Glad and the Sad

“Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep.” (Romans 12:15)

Why would we not rejoice with someone who is rejoicing?  Perhaps it is because our fallen human nature is envious over their reason to rejoice. Rejoice with that person, because if you are a Christian God has already blessed you with His amazing grace and salvation. The greatest thing that can happen to you is to be saved from an eternity without Christ.

But, must I weep with those who are weeping? People need to know we identify with them in their sorrow. In a church setting when one member suffers all the members suffer.  Let us not let anyone in our church weep alone.

A little girl with a broken doll is crying. Her friend sitting beside her is weeping, also. When the girls are asked why they are crying, the first one says, “I’m crying because my doll is broken.” The second little girl replies, “I’m crying because my best friend is crying.”

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