Saturday, December 27, 2014

Where is Jesus?

“…where is He that is born king of the Jews?” (Matthew 2:2)

For several weeks we have displayed all the trappings of Christmas, the lights, the baking, the manger scenes, the Christmas cards, the parties and a thousand other things associated with individual families, communities and churches. So the question the magi asked perhaps two years after His birth seems appropriate to ask again, “Where is Jesus?”

For a lost world to believe He is real, we Christians must be as fervent in our faith, praise and worship year round as we said we were in our Christmas celebration activities. Where is He?  Yes, He is with us just as He promised He would be.  But, is He in your decision making, in your business affairs, in your school activities? Is Jesus included at your table in a prayer before you have your meals? Do you pause to thank Him for the abundance on the table?

May Jesus be as real to us for the next 364 days as we said He was for the past week.

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