Thursday, December 4, 2014

What About the Others?

 Mark records that there were also with Jesus on the Sea of Galilee that night other little ships. (Mark 4:36)    We don't know how many little ships there were. Perhaps three or four or it could have been a dozen. Nor, do we know how many people were on board each of the ships. They were all sailing on the same sea.

When the storm came there is no indication that it was isolated to the little ship Christ was in.  All the boats and all the people on board the other boats were equally affected by the storm.

When Jesus rebuked the wind and said to the sea, "Peace, be still," the wind ceased and there was a great calm. (Mark 4:39)  Those in the other little ships were equally affected by the great calm. In a very real sense, this was a community of fellow strugglers.  When Jesus stilled the storm for His closest disciples, He did not exclude those in the surrounding little ships.

I am very thankful that when Jesus went to Calvary and died for the sins of the world, He included me in the community of sinners struggling with sin. Christ invites you to come to Him and experience the calm He can give.  Call on Him and trust Him today.

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