Monday, December 29, 2014

Can Jesus Be Found With You?

“And they sought Him among their kinsfolk and acquaintance. And when they found Him not they turned back again to Jerusalem, seeking Him.” (Luke 2:44-45)

Joseph, Mary and the child Jesus had gone to Jerusalem for the observance of Passover. When it was time to go home to Nazareth they supposed Jesus was somewhere among the others who had attended the feast. They traveled a day’s journey without realizing He was not with them. Then they sought Jesus in the obvious place, among family and friends, but never found Him.

This thought comes to me: If your kinfolk, acquaintances and friends were looking for Jesus, would they find Him with you?

There was a man who had never taken his young son to church. One day the son heard something about Christians and he asked his dad, “What is a Christian?” His father, who prided himself in having all the answers to his son’s questions, gave the usual descriptions: someone who loves Jesus, obeys Him, attends church regularly, gives money to the church, prays, keeps the Ten Commandments, obeys all the laws of the land and never raises his voice in anger. The little boy thought for a few moments and asked, “Daddy, have I ever seen a Christian?”

The very first step in making sure people observe the presence of Jesus in your life is to repent and surrender to Him, letting Him be your Savior and Lord. May our lives always manifest Jesus.

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