Sunday, December 21, 2014

The “Fear Not” of Grace

We began yesterday exploring the “Fear Nots” of Christmas, looking at the fear not of answered prayer.  We saw how the angel Gabriel had appeared to Zacharias.  Now, six months later the angel appears to Mary. She, like Zacharias, was troubled at the appearance of this angelic being.  Gabriel says to Mary, “Fear not, Mary: for thou hast found favor with God.” (Luke 1:30)  The word favor is another word for grace.  I call this the “fear not” of grace.

In a world that had gone mad with sin, the Bible tells us that, “Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.” (Genesis 6:8)  Noah was not sinless.  Later in the story of Noah and the flood we can see sin evident in his character. (Genesis 9:20-27)  But, Noah the sinner, found grace (favor) in the eyes of the Lord and God used him to deliver Adam’s race beyond the judgment of the flood.

Like Noah, we are living in a sinful world also. The Bible describes the exceeding sinfulness of mankind but lets us know that we can be saved by the grace of God. Perhaps you are afraid that you have gone to deeply in sin and have stayed in sin too long and that there is no hope for you. Fear not.  You are not beyond the reach of the grace of God.  Surrender your all to Him who gave His life for you at Calvary.

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