Monday, December 8, 2014

Praying Three Times a Day

"Evening, and morning, and at noon, will I pray, and cry aloud: and He shall hear my voice." (Psalms 55:17)

The greatest unclaimed resource available to us today is prayer.

David's testimony was that he prayed three times a day.  I see him perhaps on his knees by his bedside after a hard day.  He closes his day by giving a brief farewell to the heavenly Father until morning, thanking Him for His presence through all the difficulties of the day and asking for His protection through the night.

I see this king of Israel checking in with God and reporting for duty early in the morning.  He acknowledges, as we should, that the day is too long if spent without God.

Then, at noon this shepherd boy chosen to be king of God's people admits that he needs God in the middle of the day, so he prays.

If the great King of Israel needed to talk things over with God three times a day, who is this peasant preacher not to need to do the same. David had confidence that God would hear his voice.  You can exercise that same confidence.  Begin to pray frequently. 

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