Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Jesus, the Model Person

“And he went down with them, and came to Nazareth, and was subject unto them.” (Luke 2:51)

We often think of Jesus as the model man, the man God the Father would have us imitate.  He is the only perfect, sinless man. As a man He paid His taxes. (Matthew 17:24-27)  He prayed and was assured that the Father heard His prayers. (John 11:41-42) He obeyed God’s will, suffering death on the cross for the redemption of mankind.

Before Jesus was the model man, He first was the model boy. Scripture tells us that when Joseph and Mary returned to Jerusalem looking for Jesus, they found their twelve year old boy in the temple.  He went back home to Nazareth with them and was subject unto them.  He set the example for every child born of woman to be in subjection to their parents.

How tragic and unlike Jesus when children and teenagers are rebellious, spoiled and throw fits of anger toward their parents, demanding to have their way.  The same can be said of immature Christians who demand their own way instead of submitting to the will of the heavenly Father. Strive to be like Jesus.

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