Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Eyewitness Report: Jesus is Real

"That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, of the Word of life (I John 1:1)

Despite what some first century critics said, and what some say today, Jesus was a real person.  Some said that Jesus only seemed real to His followers, that Jesus was the figment of their imaginations.  They said the disciples wanted Jesus to be real so they invented this imaginary friend, much as children sometimes have imaginary friends.

However, His reality is seen throughout the New Testament.  We have the testimony of an eyewitness in the person of John the apostle. He tells his readers, "We have heard Him." Imagine what it would be like in an early morning Bible study with Jesus or hearing Him preach a sermon.

He further states, "We have seen Him with our eyes." How many pairs of eyes are included in the pronouns, "We," and "Our?"  Then this eyewitness states, "We have looked upon." The word, "Looked," means to "gaze upon." They must have sat in open-mouthed awe, not just seeing Him but gazing upon Him.  In addition, they "handled" this Word of life.  They touched Him, bumped against Him, perhaps steadied themselves putting a hand on His shoulder as friends will sometimes do. 

This Son of God that went to the cross paying our sin debt was/is a real person.  You can trust Him completely. 

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