Sunday, December 28, 2014

Go Another Way

“…They departed into their own country another way.”  (Luke 2:12)

The wise men had visited Jesus and had presented Him their gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.  In a dream they were warned of God not to go back to Herod, so they departed into their own country another way. 

Those last words, “…departed into their own country another way,” speak volumes to me.  When you and I have been in the presence of Jesus we should leave differently than when we came.  I have seen numerous persons attend revival services as a lost person.  They went back home a different way, a saved person.  Evangelist, Wade House was preaching in a revival.  I went to church one night as a lost person.  Before I left to go home I was a saved person. The Lord had made me a different person. I went back a different way.  Someone did you wrong.  You came to Jesus with bitterness and an unforgiving attitude.  You went back a different way. The Lord had given you a new, sweet spirit of forgiveness.

When you go to church this Sunday or any Sunday, or when you are meeting with Jesus in private devotions, come into His presence expecting to go back “another way.”

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