Monday, December 15, 2014

Walk with God

"Can two walk together except they be agreed?  (Amos 3:3) 

A circus performer rode his horse round and round under the big tent.  He stood on the horse, then stood on his head on the horse still going round and round. Another horse was brought out. He stood on the backs of both horses as they galloped along. He rode backwards on the horses. But, he was not able to ride two horses going in opposite directions. Both horses had to be going in the same direction. 

God and the devil are going in opposite directions.  One cannot serve God and Satan at the same time. 

The Bible says "Enoch walked with God." ( Genesis 5:22)  For Enoch to walk with God it was Enoch and not God who had to alter his course.  

Walk with God today and be a blessing. 

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