Sunday, December 7, 2014

The Best Dish on the Table

"Mary...sat at Jesus feet, and heard His word." (Luke 10:34)

It must have been Martha's house that her sister Mary and their Brother Lazarus lived in.  So Martha must have felt some responsibility for the meal being served to this special guest named Jesus.

Feeling responsible, she must have "put the big pot in the little one," as folks sometimes say.  With flour perhaps up to her elbows she realized her sister Mary was not helping with the preparation and asked Jesus, "Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me to serve alone?" (Luke 10:40)

Sometimes we, like Martha, get so busy serving the Lord that we fail to spend time with the Lord.  Martha was not a bad person. But for the moment she had her priorities confused.  Serve Him? Yes. But before we serve Him as Martha did, we must spend time at His feet in worship, as Mary did.  The best dish on the table is fellowship with the Savior.

Hear what our Lord has to say and serve Him from the overflow.  Both Christ and you will get more out of it. 

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