Wednesday, December 3, 2014

When the Storms Come

His disciples were simply following Jesus. As one of them said one time, "We have left all and followed thee." (Luke 18:28)  So, here they are, heeding His invitation to get in a boat with Him and cross to the other side of the Sea of Galilee. (Mark 4:35)

It was then, while they were doing His will, that the storm came.  The storm did not come upon men who were disobedient to the Lord. These were men who loved Jesus, followed Him and on this night were close to Him.  Jesus and His followers were sharing a boat.  And now they were sharing a storm.

Becoming a Christian and living the Christian life is not a guarantee that storms won't come.  In fact, often just the opposite is true.  The testimony of the martyrs, those persecuted and killed as they followed the Lord and did His will, is that they aroused the anger of Satan and his followers by living the Christian life thus bringing the hatred of the devil down on them. There are numerous storms that are part of life such as storms of bad health, financial reverses, misunderstandings, divorce and the list of possible storms goes on.

Mark 4:35-41 teaches us that the safest place you can be when storms come is in the boat with Jesus. 

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