Saturday, December 13, 2014

It is No Secret

"...For this thing was not done in a corner." Acts 26:26  

Recently my wife and I saw a group perform live and on stage the advent scene, complete with live animals including a donkey, two camels and four sheep. The birth story from the Bible was read. It was a truly amazing, professionally done, presentation. Numerous churches are presenting the story of the birth of Jesus this Christmas. Tell it again and again.  

Around 2,000 years ago the Jews were once again observing Passover, an annual event that drew as many as three million Jewish pilgrims to Jerusalem. It was on the day when the Passover Lamb was slain that Jesus Christ was crucified and died. It was an open, public execution, just outside the wall of the old city. Many people saw that terrible event that day when the sun refused to shine for three of the six hours that Jesus was on the cross. Tell it over and over again.  

In the spring many churches will go to great lengths to present an accurate account of the arrest, trial, scourging, crucifixion, death burial and resurrection of Jesus. Sunday after Sunday, week in and week out, pastors and evangelists will stand before congregations of people and declare the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Tell it again and again.  

This thing was not done in a corner. These are not secret events. Tell it over and over again and again.

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