Tuesday, November 7, 2017

When the South Wind Blows Softly

“And when the south wind blew softly, supposing that they had obtained their purpose, loosing thence, they sailed close by Crete. But not long after there arose against it a tempestuous wind, called Euroclydon.” (Acts 27:13-14)

Paul the Apostle, not a sailor, but a preacher who listened to God, had already told the centurion and sailors they should not sail. Ignoring his admonitions, when the south wind blew softly they left shore. It was a major mistake because shortly they were in a typhoon.

Too often we ignore the word from the Lord through God’s servant, failing to realize the soft blowing south wind is really the beginning of a storm. We leave the safe harbor and find ourselves being blown about, wishing we could get back to where we were before the storm came.

You are in the hands of God. Trust Him to see you through, even though the harbor you reach may not be what you wanted. But, it will be a good place to serve the Lord.

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