Saturday, November 4, 2017

Accept no Substitute

“Little children, keep yourselves from idols. Amen.” (I John 5:21)

With today’s text John brings us to the end of his first epistle. There is his usual mark of tenderness toward his readers, calling them, “My little children.” Many of them, no doubt, had not been Christians very long. I am reminded as a pastor that we must teach and preach with tenderness the flock of Christians with whom God has entrusted us.

He has one closing statement: “Keep yourselves from idols.” We are not to let false Christs presented by false teachers come between us and the Son of God. Whatever comes between us and the Lord is an idol. The Lord is to occupy first place in our lives. “Keep yourselves from idols,” can be interpreted, “accept no substitute.”

The very last word is “amen” meaning, “So be it.” Nothing can be added or subtracted from John’s Biblical, Holy Spirit inspired instruction.

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