Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Going the Way of all the Earth

“And, behold, this day I am going the way of all the earth…” (Joshua 13:14)

We may not know the day, the month or the year, but just as certainly as livestock die and as certainly as wild animals, fowls of the air and fish in the oceans and streams go the way of all the earth, so will you and I. We have that in common. It is the way of all the earth.

Joshua had done great things. He had been one of the twelve men to go as a spy into the Promised Land. He had assumed the reins of leadership over Israel after Moses died. Under Joshua’s leadership Israel had crossed the Jordan River when God stopped its flow. He had led them to defeat Jericho and Ai. He was an excellent leader because he followed the plan of God.

But like Moses before him, Joshua went the way of all the earth. Regardless of great things we may have done, our riches, our education or our positions with mankind, sometime we are going the way of all the earth.

Only if you have received Christ Jesus by faith for eternal life are you ready to go the way of all the earth.

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