Sunday, November 12, 2017

Trophies of God’s Grace

“…That in the ages to come He might show the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness toward us through Christ Jesus.” (Ephesians 2:7)

Most high schools and colleges have a trophy case in which are displayed the trophies they have won through sporting events. Golfers, weight lifters, tennis stars and others have trophies displayed prominently. They are proud of their trophies because they represent victories.

God won a victory over Satan when He went to the cross and died and arose the third day. He wins a victory when He reaches down His hand and lifts up a fallen sinner and saves him from hell. God wins a contest with the devil every time He saves a sinner.

In heaven we will be trophies of His grace. There will be the trophy of His grace when He saved the drug addict. Another trophy will be the alcoholic who lost everything, including his family. By the grace of God his life was changed. He redeemed prostitutes and homosexuals, more trophies. Repentant thieves whose lives were changed by the grace of God will be trophies of God’s grace. On and on there will be an endless line of trophies of God’s grace, people who were guilty of all types of sin who were changed as a result of the amazing grace of God.

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