Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Don’t Put Out the Fire

“Quench not the Spirit.” ( I Thessalonians 5:19)

On my way to the hospital to make some visits I saw thick black smoke billowing up from a building on fire. Then I saw three fire trucks with their sirens blasting, calling for the right of way. I finished my visits in about thirty minutes and left the hospital. There was no sign of smoke anywhere. The firemen on the trucks had put out the fire: they quenched the flames.

Often the Holy Spirit will come to us like a roaring fire telling us He has a job for us. When Paul and Barnabas were ministering to the infant church of Antioch the Holy Spirit said, “Separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work whereunto I have called them.” They then left Antioch on their first missionary journey.

I can think of all kinds of excuses they could have given for not going. They would have put out the fire: they would have quenched the Holy Spirit.

Don’t put out the fire God has placed in you to do His work and to serve Him. If there is a fire in your heart for your unsaved neighbors go witness to them knowing that the One who built the fire will direct you in what to say.

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