Sunday, November 19, 2017

God and Impossibilities

“Is there anything too hard for the Lord?” (Genesis 18:14)

This question is asked of Abraham when he and Sarah had three visitors announcing that Abraham and Sarah would have a son when he would be one hundred and she, ninety. It looked more like a laughable impossibility than a fact of life. She did give birth just as the visitors said.

Is there anything too hard for the Lord? He spoke the world and the universe into existence. God created the sun, moon and stars. He created the trees and all green grass. He spoke and man was created. He then made a woman for the man. He brought a world wide flood upon which covered even the mountains to punish sinful mankind. No. There is nothing too hard for the Lord.

Are you struggling with a teen-ager who has gotten tangled up in the world and its ways? Maybe you have a health problem. What is your “impossible” situation? Take your burden to the Lord and leave it there because nothing is too hard for the Lord.

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