Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Some Good Things to Do

“It is a good thing to give thanks unto the LORD, and to sing praises unto thy name, Oh most High.” (Psalm 92:1)

There are many good things we can do such as feeding the poor, giving money to support missionaries, visiting the crippled, lame and sick in the nursing homes and giving comfort to them. It is a good thing to visit the unsaved in an attempt to introduce them to Jesus. Saying a kind and encouraging word to someone in our church is a good thing.

The psalmist tells us in our text that it a good thing to give thanks to the LORD. Have you thanked Him for a pillow on which to lay head at night? We need to thank Him for the clothes in our closets, a roof over our heads and food in the pantry and refrigerator. Thank Him for good health.

The psalmist says also that it is a good thing to sing praises unto His name. Everyone can make a joyful noise unto the Lord. Watching and listening silently while everyone else has the privilege of singing praises to Him isn't enough. It is a good thing for all of us to sing praises to His name.

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