Monday, November 20, 2017

Pray for your Preacher

“Brethren, pray for us.” (I Thessalonians 5:25)

There is a song that says, “I need the prayers of those I love.” Paul is making a request to his Christian brothers in the church of Thessalonica. “Pray for us,” is a simple request.

No preacher has gotten so big that he can be the “Lone Ranger” in his ministry, thinking he needs no help. That man will be cut down sooner or later. And no preacher is so small that the prayers of the saints will not help.

Preachers are weak human beings. We need the prayers of brothers and sisters in Christ. I receive words of assurance and encouragement frequently from someone who is praying for me, and it is greatly appreciated. My suggestion is that you make a prayer list of pastors, evangelists, missionaries and others in the Lord’s work and pray for them every day. Every preacher I know needs the prayers of fellow believers.

The devil would like nothing better than to see a preacher fall. Pray for the men who open the Word of God and share it with a congregation of people Sunday after Sunday.

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