Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Planting and Watering

“I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase.” (I Corinthians 3:6)

Most of us who are saved would probably say that more than one person had part in bringing us to Christ. Paul expresses this truth in our text. It is God who saves but it takes a Paul and an Apollos to bring that person to saving faith.

I was saved in a fall revival many years ago. Wade House was the evangelist. But before the revival came my Sunday school teacher had been faithful to teach God’s word. The pastor of the church I attended with my parents presented the Gospel faithfully and regularly. On the day before I was saved I asked my mother, “How do you get saved?” She told me. My father had just recently answered the call to preach. I heard his testimony. I am sure there were others who had a part.

I have had the privilege of sharing the Gospel with many people and many of them were saved. I may have planted or I may have watered, but God gave the increase.

If you are a believer I encourage you to do some “planting” and “watering” then anticipate that God will give the increase.

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