Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Available Strength

“Pray without ceasing.” (I Thessalonians 5:17)

A little boy was trying to remove a huge rock from his back yard play area. As he struggled his dad was watching from inside the house.

His dad came out and asked, “Have you used all your strength?” “Yes daddy,” replied the little boy. Dad said, “You haven’s asked me to help.” The little boy asked, “Daddy, will you help me?” when Daddy helped, the rock was removed without a problem.

We all have “rocks” and other hindrances in our pathways. We need the Father to help us. The verse for today is a command to pray always. If you haven’t prayed you haven’t used all the energy available to you. Other believers are struggling with their burdens. Pray for them that they would ask God to help them.

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