Thursday, November 9, 2017

The Cornerstone

“This is the stone which was set at naught of your builders, which is become the head of the corner. Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” (Acts 4:11-12)

It was just an old rock that was the right size and weight to put on the floor next to the door making a good door prop. The old man’s wife had begged him to get rid of that old ugly rock by the door and get a prettier one.

One day a guest came and after lunch he spied the old rock by the door. He picked it up and examined it. Then He asked the old man, “May I take this rock with me and have an assayer examine it?” The assayer said the old abandoned rock was the largest gold nugget he had ever seen. It was worth a fortune.

Jesus, the neglected and discarded stone is the corner stone of faith, our salvation, the church and the kingdom. He is the cornerstone of the Christian life. He was rejected of men but chosen of God. Peter tells us that this rejected stone is the only way of salvation. To us who are saved He is precious and beautiful beyond description.

Will you receive Him by faith and be saved today?

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