Monday, September 22, 2014

What shall I do with Jesus?

When Pilate the Roman Governor was confronted with releasing Barrabas or
Jesus and which one to execute, they all said release unto us Barrabas.
Pilate asked one of the most heart rending questions ever asked by mortal
man, "What shall I do then with Jesus which is called Christ?" 

Did you have a good Sunday yesterday?  What did you do with Jesus?  What you
and I do with Jesus will determine our eternal destiny.  Receive Him as
Savior and Lord and live with Him eternally.  Reject Him and turn Him away
and the Bible says you will spend eternity separated from Him in a place
called hell.  If you are already a Christian spend time with Him in worship
and praise.

God gives us a choice.  What shall I do with Jesus which is called Christ?

Whosoever will may come to Him.

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